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Our legacy is made by the lives we impact, and by the stories we tell.

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January 2024: Roundup 2023

2023 saw YTL Foundation make significant strides in the global social impact scene with the Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN) and the University of Birmingham and continue its work with...

Yellow House KL: A Home of Hope, Rebuilt with Heart

For over a decade, Yellow House KL has been more than just a shelter. It has been a place of hope, dignity and healing for more than 6,000 individuals. It...

January 2024: Roundup 2023

January 2024: Roundup 2023

2023 saw YTL Foundation make significant strides in the global social impact scene with the Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN) and the University of Birmingham and continue its work with...

Yellow House KL: A Home of Hope, Rebuilt with Heart

Yellow House KL: A Home of Hope, Rebuilt with Heart

For over a decade, Yellow House KL has been more than just a shelter. It has been a place of hope, dignity and healing for more than 6,000 individuals. It...

January 2025: Roundup 2024

January 2025: Roundup 2024

2024 was an incredible year of growth for YTL Foundation. Through our initiatives, we remained dedicated to empowering individuals, fostering educational excellence, and driving positive social change.

October 2024

October 2024

Although Malaysia promises education for all, the reality often tells a different story. Like Dee De and Jia Huey, the class of PGCEi 2024 is deeply motivated to create an...

April 2024

April 2024

YTL Foundation offered me an opportunity to move forward in life and I want to give back to society as the Foundation did for me. It really impacted the way...

Scholar Stories: Tai Wei Cheang

Scholar Stories: Tai Wei Cheang

These internships gave me industry exposure that I couldn’t obtain from typical coursework and has added intangible value to my field of study in Mechanical Engineering.

Scholar Stories: Chan Choon Wooi

Scholar Stories: Chan Choon Wooi

From a young age, I believed in the transformative power of education. Raised in a humble household, I faced my own set of challenges and found solace in the loving...

Scholar Stories: Grannil Ding Simon

Scholar Stories: Grannil Ding Simon

Receiving the YTL Foundation Scholarship was a turning point in my life, especially since my dad was the sole breadwinner for our family. Pursuing my studies seemed like a distant...

Scholar Stories: Dorcas Chua

Scholar Stories: Dorcas Chua

Being a YTL Foundation Scholar meant a lot of things: scholar camps before the start of every academic year, regular coaching sessions with our scholar coach – Helen, summer internships...

October 2023

October 2023

Moved by teachers’ desire to create a better learning environment for children from displaced communities in Malaysia, YTL Foundation co-developed the Teachers for Educational Equity Initiative with the University of...

MBAM invests RM155k in scholars

MBAM invests RM155k in scholars

MBAM is committed to providing assistance to deserving students in pursuing their tertiary education even in the face of challenging economic times and thrilled to continue the contributions to the...

Ampang shelter gets much-needed makeover

Ampang shelter gets much-needed makeover

In line with YTL Foundation's ethos and Yellow House's own sustainability practices, the renovation of Yellow House will see extensive use of bamboo as an innovative and sustainable building material....

YTL基金与YTL建筑公司力挺 助重建“黄屋”充作贫民庇护所

YTL基金与YTL建筑公司力挺 助重建“黄屋”充作贫民庇护所

YTL Foundation partners NGO Yellow House to raise funds for building renovation

YTL Foundation partners NGO Yellow House to raise funds for building renovation

First built in the 1980s by Shyam’s father and grandfather, the Yellow House premises in Ampang, Selangor, has served as a shelter for more than 6,000 homeless individuals and refugees,...

PPR Resident Creates a Safe Space for Her Community 

PPR Resident Creates a Safe Space for Her Community 

Mastura, a 39-year-old resident of PPR Seri Perak, Sentul had little knowledge about mental health and its impact on an individual. She and 11 other community leaders took part in...

Farm to Family: An Acumen Fellow’s Mission to Nourish Communities

Farm to Family: An Acumen Fellow’s Mission to Nourish Communities

FOLO Farm, an organic, family-run venture, is driven by a vision to nourish the world with nutritionally-packed vegetables while fostering meaningful connections among loved ones. By prioritizing the physical and...

July 2023

July 2023

As one of the conference’s lead partners, we were excited to host Asia’s largest social investment conference in one of Malaysia’s most iconic event spaces; Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC)....

Pioneering Sustainability at Grab: One Acumen Fellow’s Journey from Cutlery Toggle to Environmental Impact

Pioneering Sustainability at Grab: One Acumen Fellow’s Journey from Cutlery Toggle to Environmental Impact

Leading this sustainability revolution is Cheryl Goh, Group Head of Marketing and Sustainability at Grab and 2021 Malaysia Acumen Fellow. As an avid diver and nature lover, Cheryl felt a...

Teacher In Sabah Wins Prestigious Award

Teacher In Sabah Wins Prestigious Award

Cikgu Anuthra was announced as the first Malaysia Teacher Prize winner on October 27, 2022. Other than the title itself, she received a prize money worth RM50,000 to help her...

Just Start: How Tharma Pillai Through  UNDI18 Empowered A Generation to Vote

Just Start: How Tharma Pillai Through  UNDI18 Empowered A Generation to Vote

History was made in November 2022 when 18-20 year olds turned from bystanders to nation builders in Malaysia’s 15th General Election. This was the culmination of hard work, sweat and...

March 2023

March 2023

It was an exciting opportunity to bring the fellowship to Malaysia and to help our social changemakers develop skills that would help them navigate the challenges of their work and...

Scholar Stories: Karen Lee

Scholar Stories: Karen Lee

Sometimes when I'm walking through the cobbled streets of Cambridge or writing essays in the University Library, I reflect on how grateful I am to be studying a course I...

Scholar Stories: David Foo

Scholar Stories: David Foo

I was treated with great kindness and a level of respect, even as a prospective applicant. This continued during my time at university where the YTL Foundation staff continued to...

Rising Together: 3 Inspiring Stories of Women Empowering Women In Malaysia

Rising Together: 3 Inspiring Stories of Women Empowering Women In Malaysia

There is growing female solidarity in Malaysia committed to supporting and lifting up fellow women from all walks of life. In conjunction with International Women’s Day 2023, we are highlighting...

Scholar Stories: Sarmila A/P Krishnan

Scholar Stories: Sarmila A/P Krishnan

I believe that the work I do will help contribute to creating an efficient mode of transportation and a more sustainable future, since the electrification of the railways could help...

Making Education Accessible for the Stateless in Sarawak

Making Education Accessible for the Stateless in Sarawak

In Kampung Sion, no children go to secondary school, what more college. Once they turn 13, the children stop schooling and start working. A lot of parents are unable to...



Kenzon Yeoh, who has been blind since birth, despite facing many challenges in his studies, was finally admitted to Curtin University Malaysia with excellent grades to study computer science, determined...

January 2023: Roundup 2022

January 2023: Roundup 2022

Building on the foundation we established over the last 25 years, 2022 has been a year of exponential growth and celebration for YTL Foundation.

December 2022

December 2022

On 7 October 2022, YTL Foundation celebrated their 25th Anniversary in full regalia with a dinner at The Majestic Hotel. Commemorating 25 years of building better education in Malaysia, the...

Celebrating 25 Years of Better Societies Through Better Education

Celebrating 25 Years of Better Societies Through Better Education

We have written many stories in the last 25 years, and we pledge to keep writing new ones.

September 2022

September 2022

KelasKita is an online programme which allows education implementers to provide tuition through volunteers to children in local communities using our Learn From Home lessons and the Frog Spaces application...

June 2022

June 2022

The Malaysia Teacher Prize is the first of its kind in Malaysia, where teachers are being sought to share their practices and their ambitions for the classroom. Aiming to give...

Learn From Home Wins
People’s Choice Award

Learn From Home Wins
People’s Choice Award

"Tuition for a Cause" is a community project designed to help impoverished students who have fallen behind in their academics as a result of school closures due to the pandemic....

April 2022

April 2022

Phase 2 of the Learn From Home Frog School lessons, launched in February 2022, comes at an opportune moment to assist in facilitating inevitable gaps resulting from school closure. The...

More free lessons for B40

More free lessons for B40

TO help students catch up with their lessons through self-directed learning, an additional 1,000 lessons will be added to the free “Learn From Home” Frog School Lessons online platform this...

CIMB Foundation, TFM, YTL Foundation unite to revive education

CIMB Foundation, TFM, YTL Foundation unite to revive education

Wednesday, February 16th, 2022 by NURUL SUHAIDI / pic credit: CIMB Foundation has joined Teach For Malaysia (TFM) and YTL Foundation to launch Phase 2 of the Learn From...

January 2022

January 2022

At the start of 2021, we aimed to build upon the groundwork laid out in the previous year. At YTL Foundation, we worked with our partners to scale the impact...

YTL Foundation and Qualcomm distribute 50 Snapdragon-powered 4G laptops to two schools

YTL Foundation and Qualcomm distribute 50 Snapdragon-powered 4G laptops to two schools

BY Alexander Wong YTL Foundation and Qualcomm have jointly distributed 50 laptops to SMK La Salle in Petaling Jaya and SMK Air Molek in Melaka. The laptops bundled with a...

October 2021

October 2021

The Puan Sri Kai Yong Yeoh Book Prize, founded in 2011 and open to all children of YTL employees, has inspired many young minds over the years to challenge seemingly...

YTL beri 7GB data percuma selama setahun untuk pelajar universiti

YTL beri 7GB data percuma selama setahun untuk pelajar universiti

Oleh Najib YTL Foundation telah mengumumkan kempen baru Learn From Home untuk membantu pelajar universiti meneruskan pembelajaran mereka secara dalam talian. Pelajar universiti yang layak, boleh menebus kad sim Yes 4G percuma dan...

杨忠礼基金会携手YES与本地大学合作 为学生提供免费数据

杨忠礼基金会携手YES与本地大学合作 为学生提供免费数据

(吉隆坡10月11日讯)杨忠礼基金会(YTL Foundation)和马来亚大学(Universiti Malaya)今日宣布建立新的合作伙伴关系,在更新版的居家学习(Learn From Home)倡议中,为大学生提供居家学习的便利。 与此同时,杨忠礼基金会也在推介礼宣布将此合作项目扩展至全国35所本地大学,以造福这些大学的学生。受惠的大学生,包括12万名新入学的学生可以在新学年开始后的12个月内免费获得由YES提供的每月7GB上网数据,直到2022年9月30日为止。 杨忠礼基金会今日发文告指出,居家学习(Learn From Home)倡议是一项由杨忠礼基金会与YES和FrogAsia携手于2020年3月推出的计划,当时正值国家首次实施行管令的时期,全马各地的学校和大学纷纷从实体课转为线上教学。 文告说,这项倡议除了为政府学校和合作大学的学生免费提供含有40GB上网数据的YES SIM卡,也为育有学龄儿童的B40低收入家庭免费提供一台智能手机、一张SIM卡、为期12个月的上网数据配套和浏览FrogPlay移动应用程式内的学习内容的权限,以确保学生们可以继续在家通过网络学习,并与学校保持联系。 如今,这个倡议已经延长至2022年9月,以便来自B40低收入家庭的学生可以继续居家学习,并通过FrogPlay移动应用程式内的学习内容汲取更多课外知识。 杨忠礼基金会项目总监拿督周怀琳在马大举行的推介礼上说:“我们很荣幸能与这些本地大学合作,并让全马更多的大学生能够从居家学习(Learn From Home)倡议中受益。疫情已经持续了近两年,虽然我们已经适应了新常态,但生活中依然存在一些挑战。无论是在家里或是校园,很多学生依然面对缺乏互联网连接的便利。我们希望通过与超过35所大学的战略合作能帮助学生们专注于学习,而不必担心自己是否有足够的上网数据来上网课、出席辅导课或完成线上小组作业。” 马大学校长拿督莫哈末韩迪教授说:“这场疫情促使我们采用崭新数码方式来教导学生。我们要感谢杨忠礼基金会和YES愿意与大学合作,为学生提供免费的上网数据。我们希望彼此能紧密合作,进一步增强学生的能力,使他们能够在新常态中继续学习。” 迄今为止, Learn From Home 倡议已送出超过1800万GB的上网数据、45万张免费SIM卡和10万部免费手机给有需要的人。今年4月,这项倡议也惠及全国教师专业职工总会(NUTP)的23万名会员。老师们可免费获得内附40GB上网数据的SIM卡,以协助他们与学生保持联系,进行线上教学。 合作伙伴大学包括: 【政府大学】 ‧马来亚大学(UM)‧马来西亚理科大学(USM)‧马来西亚彭亨大学(UMP)‧马来西亚国民大学(UKM)‧拉曼大学学院(TARC)‧马来西亚登嘉楼大学(UMT)‧马来西亚博特拉大学(UPM)‧马来西亚北方大学(UUM)‧玛拉工艺大学(UiTM)‧马来西亚敦胡先翁大学(UTHM)‧玛拉理工大学学院(KUPTM)‧TATI大学学院(UC TATI) 【私立大学】 ‧金宝拉曼大学(UTAR)‧国家能源大学(UNITEN)‧多媒体大学(MMU)‧赛城大学(UOC)‧敦拉萨国际大学(UNITAR)‧国际医药大学及国际医药学院(IMU & IMC)‧汝来大学(Nilai U)‧马来西亚多元资源工业汽车技术大学(DRB-HICOM...

Telefon pintar hadiah sempena Hari Kemerdekaan, mudahkan 180 pelajar B40 jalani PdPR

Telefon pintar hadiah sempena Hari Kemerdekaan, mudahkan 180 pelajar B40 jalani PdPR

Oleh AMRAN MULUP MELAKA: Tiada ungkapan yang mampu diluahkan pelajar Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Bukit Rambai, Siti Norazira Mohd. Din, 17, melainkan perasaan teruja apabila menerima telefon pintar dan data...

Mental Health & Wellbeing In Education

Mental Health & Wellbeing In Education

This online dialogue was hosted on 25 June, 2021. As virtual learning continued with ongoing pandemic lockdowns, new challenges surfaced. A prominent one was students having to learn while managing...

July 2021

July 2021

Jaringan Prihatin arrives at an opportune time. Well into 2020, it was apparent that home-based learning would continue in 2021. Since the establishment of LFH, the Foundation has received applications...

MyPJ + Deloitte

MyPJ + Deloitte

Many students were struggling because schools were closed due to the pandemic. The switch to online learning was a challenge for schools and teachers, which resulted in learning loss for...

YES PRIHATIN jamin proses pembelajaran kanak-kanak B40

YES PRIHATIN jamin proses pembelajaran kanak-kanak B40

Antara cabaran terbesar buat rakyat Malaysia dalam menghadapi wabak COVID-19 ialah mencari langkah efektif untuk meneruskan proses pembelajaran bagi kanak-kanak. Itulah titik permulaan pelan YES PRIHATIN LEARN FROM HOME yang...

Tuition for A Cause

Tuition for A Cause

"Tuition for a Cause" is a community project designed to help impoverished students who have fallen behind in their academics as a result of school closures due to the pandemic....

YES’s Prihatin plans offer free devices, data to B40 citizens

YES’s Prihatin plans offer free devices, data to B40 citizens

By Digital News Asia Prihatin plans provide B40 citizens free phones, data, access to Learn-From-Home content Plan requires no deposit, contract; subscribers to receive Shopee voucher for essentials YTL Communication's...

#TECH: YES offers free phones, data and learning content for B40s

#TECH: YES offers free phones, data and learning content for B40s

KUALA LUMPUR: YTL Communications' YES today announced plans under the Government's Jaringan Prihatin initiative that will equip B40 families and individuals with free phones and free data for a whole...

YES! Lanjut Program Telefon & Data Percuma Untuk Anak-Anak B40 Yang Masih Bersekolah

YES! Lanjut Program Telefon & Data Percuma Untuk Anak-Anak B40 Yang Masih Bersekolah

By Fiza Kamarudin Berita baik! Yayasan YTL telah mengumumkan lanjutan program telefon dan data percuma untuk anak-anak daripada keluarga B40 yang masih bersekolah di bawah inisiatif Learn-From-Home sehingga 30 September...

Free BM, English tuition classes for needy students

Free BM, English tuition classes for needy students

he Star, April 28, 2021 by Vijenthi Nair A TOTAL of 62 students from Section 17 and Kampung Baru Damansara in Petaling Jaya have enrolled for free online Bahasa Melayu...

April 2021

April 2021

YTL Foundation, in collaboration with FrogAsia, held our first online Leaps of Knowledge event early in March. A host of leading educationists, teachers and parents converged digitally on 3rd March...

NUTP inks partnership with YTL foundation to provide teachers free internet data

NUTP inks partnership with YTL foundation to provide teachers free internet data

GEORGE TOWN, April 16 — The National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP) today inked a partnership deal with YTL Foundation and telecommunications provider YES to provide teachers with free...

YES offers free 40GB mobile data to help B40 folk overcome Covid-19 impact

YES offers free 40GB mobile data to help B40 folk overcome Covid-19 impact

PETALING JAYA, April 2 ― The impact of Covid-19 is forcing many Malaysians to face a new financial reality, especially those in the lower income B40 group. With the pandemic...

B40 students in Perak receive a digital helping hand

B40 students in Perak receive a digital helping hand

PARIT: Some 20,000 students from B40 families in Perak will be getting a smartphone and SIM card to help with their studies. Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Saarani Mohamad said the...

20,000 telefon pintar percuma mula diagih

20,000 telefon pintar percuma mula diagih

PARIT - Sebanyak 20,000 telefon pintar percuma yang disediakan kerajaan negeri akan mula diagih kepada kumpulan keluarga B40 di Perak hari ini (Khamis). Menteri Besar Perak, Datuk Saarani Mohamad berkata,...

Online education divide needs ‘collective impact’ solution

Online education divide needs ‘collective impact’ solution

IF education opens the door of opportunity, the year-long closure of schools due to the Covid-19 pandemic means underprivileged students face a double whammy — deprived of a space to...

February 2021

February 2021

In January, a focus group was held with 30 partner NGOs, to discuss the Learn from Home programme and its impact on communities. Participants include Generasi Gemilang, Taylor’s College, Finco,...

Scholarship, free online learning from YTL

Scholarship, free online learning from YTL

THE Covid-19 virus threw life as we know it into disarray, causing seismic shifts in the way we work, learn and generally function. But despite the persistent challenges the pandemic...

To help learners cope, stakeholders are stepping up to do their bit

To help learners cope, stakeholders are stepping up to do their bit

IT’S been almost a year since schools moved their lessons online but the perennial problem of unequal access to gadgets and stable Internet connection have hindered the learning progress of...

YTL Foundation's Learn From Home adds entire Bahasa Melayu National Syllabus to its content platform

YTL Foundation's Learn From Home adds entire Bahasa Melayu National Syllabus to its content platform

Kuala Lumpur, 19 January 2021 1,272 Bahasa Melayu, English, Maths and Science lessons available free YTL Foundation today announced it has uploaded 278 new lessons covering the entire national primary...

January 2021

January 2021

Since 1997, the Foundation has offered scholarships to deserving students with robust potential to thrive. The scholarships are a fervent commitment to investing in the future generation of citizens, ones...



In January 2021, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group (SMBC) Malaysia gave YTL Foundation US$100,000 (RM410,000) to sponsor face masks and computers for students at selected schools.

December 2020

December 2020

Over at PEMIMPIN GSL Malaysia, they are hard at work in trying to support the professional development of school leaders to drive high-quality learning instructions and positive culture that leads...

Free digital learning

Free digital learning

TO encourage and support teachers who are required to continue conducting lessons remotely, a campaign called Webinar Bersama Guru is currently being held under the Learn From Home initiative by...

November 2020

November 2020

Building on the early success of the Learn from Home (LFH) initiative, the Foundation extended the offer of a free 40GB data plan to all students and faculty members from...

Devices to smoothen learning journey

Devices to smoothen learning journey

DURING the pandemic, many children from the B40 community were unable to continue learning as they lacked devices and Internet access. The KidsEdu programme, a collaboration between Deloitte Malaysia and...

Keeping students motivated

Keeping students motivated

YTL Foundation and FrogAsia are hosting an ongoing challenge called GIAT: Belajar & Menang! for primary and secondary school students. It features engaging lessons from FrogSchool with cash prizes and...

100% Projects

100% Projects

We supported 100% Project on the development of a platform to assist crowdfund educational projects, allowing the general public to directly support underserved schools by donating funds. Teachers would be...

Education In An Age of Uncertainty

Education In An Age of Uncertainty

Together with the University of Birmingham, we conducted our first-ever online Thought Leadership event - broadcasted live on Facebook on 12 June 2020. As the pandemic brought schools to a...

Free SIM cards, lessons from YTL Foundation’s collaboration with UKM

Free SIM cards, lessons from YTL Foundation’s collaboration with UKM

KUALA LUMPUR (May 16): Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia’s (UKM) Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities is working with YTL Foundation and FrogAsia to develop lessons in Bahasa Melayu and English for...

Utar students study online via YTL Foundation’s Learn From Home initiative

Utar students study online via YTL Foundation’s Learn From Home initiative

KUALA LUMPUR: Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Utar) students are the latest beneficiaries of YTL Foundation’s Learn From Home initiative. Like other tertiary institutions in the country, Utar’s 23,000 students from...

Pelajar UTAR Bakal Menerima Manfaat Daripada Inisiatif Belajar Dari Rumah Yayasan YTL

Pelajar UTAR Bakal Menerima Manfaat Daripada Inisiatif Belajar Dari Rumah Yayasan YTL

Inisiatif Belajar Dari Rumah Diperluaskan Ke Lebih Banyak Lagi Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Ahad, 03 Mei 2020: Pelajar Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (“UTAR”) adalah institusi pengajian tinggi yang terkini menerima manfaat...

UTAR Students to Benefit from YTL Foundation’s Learn From Home Initiative

UTAR Students to Benefit from YTL Foundation’s Learn From Home Initiative

Learn From Home Initiative Extended to Other Tertiary Institutions Sunday, 3 May 2020: Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (“UTAR”) students are the latest beneficiaries of YTL Foundation’s Learn From Home Initiative....

YTL Foundation gives free SIM cards to 30,000 USM students

YTL Foundation gives free SIM cards to 30,000 USM students

WITH the Movement Control Order (MCO) going into the sixth week, most universities in the country have moved into online platforms in order that lectures can continue. In the case...

杨忠礼基⾦会:停课不停学 ‧三万名理⼤⽣可申请免费 Sim 卡

杨忠礼基⾦会:停课不停学 ‧三万名理⼤⽣可申请免费 Sim 卡

(吉隆坡 22 ⽇讯)⾏动管制令进⼊第 6 个星期,国内多个⼤学开始启动线上教学系统,⻢来⻄亚理科⼤学(USM)也不例外。三万名理⼤⽣中,⼤部分学⽣已经开始学习适应和利⽤线上课程。 因此,杨忠礼基⾦会与理⼤携⼿合作,进⼀步扩⼤居家学习计划的受惠群体。从今天开始,所有理⼤学⽣可以免费申请含有 40GB ⺴络数据的 YES 4G SIM 卡,激活后有效期为 60 天,⼀⼈可申请⼀张。 杨忠礼基⾦会⾃ 1997 年开始就致⼒于⽀持本地⼤专⽣,多年来也曾为多名来⾃理⼤的优秀⽣提供奖学⾦。为该校⼤专⽣提供免费⺴络数据,可让他们参与线上课程和获得学习资源,同时确保没有⼈会因为⽆法负担⾼昂的⾼速⺴络费⽤⽽耽误课程 。 ⻢来⻄亚理科⼤学副校⻓ Md. Roslan Hashim 博⼠教授表⽰:“理⼤对于这项合作计划感到满意,同时也⾮常感谢杨忠礼基⾦会的⽀持, 为学⽣提供 SIM 卡将能有效地帮助理⼤推动和促进线上教学计划。” 不只是理⼤⽣,所有来⾃本地公⽴中⼩学和华⽂独⽴中学的学⽣,也都可在杨忠礼基 ⾦会居家学习计划下受惠,⺠众受促在 5 ⽉...

30,000 Pelajar USM Bakal Menerima Kad SIM Percuma di bawah Inisiatif Belajar Dari Rumah Yayasan YTL

30,000 Pelajar USM Bakal Menerima Kad SIM Percuma di bawah Inisiatif Belajar Dari Rumah Yayasan YTL

Rabu, 22 April 2020: Ekoran Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (“PKP”) yang telah pun memasuki minggu ke enam, kebanyakan universiti di negara ini telah beralih ke platform dalam talian bagi membolehkan kuliah...

30,000 USM Students to Get Free Sim Cards under YTL Foundation’s Learn From Home Initiative

30,000 USM Students to Get Free Sim Cards under YTL Foundation’s Learn From Home Initiative

Wednesday, 22 April 2020: With the Movement Control Order (“MCO”) going into the sixth week, most universities in the country have moved into online platforms in order that lectures can...

Five Companies Donate to COVID-19 Fund

Five Companies Donate to COVID-19 Fund

PUTRAJAYA, March 24 — Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin today received financial donations of RM5 million and contribution in kind from five corporate firms for the COVID-19 fund. Today’s...

YTL Foundation providing free mobile phones to B40 families under Learn from Home Initiative

YTL Foundation providing free mobile phones to B40 families under Learn from Home Initiative

By Digital News Asia YTL Foundation to provide free mobile phone, 12-month YES 4G plan with 120GB data Calls for school teachers to submit nominations of families most in need...

E-learning an effective education tool

E-learning an effective education tool

ONLINE learning platforms like the Frog VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) have proven to be handy for teachers and students when face-to-face teaching activities get disrupted. A firm believer of technology’s...

Telefon pintar percuma untuk pelajar sekolah B40

Telefon pintar percuma untuk pelajar sekolah B40

Mahaizura Abd YAYASAN YTL dengan kerjasama YTL Communications menawarkan telefon pintar percuma kepada pelajar sekolah kerajaan dari keluarga B40 yang tidak memiliki telefon pintar atau peranti mudah alih bagi...



以提供完整的网络数据、学习资源和设备 (吉隆坡 4 ⽉ 7 ⽇讯)杨忠礼基⾦会(YTL Foundation)居家学习计划将赠送免费⼿机给属于 B40 群体家庭的学⽣。这是在送出包含 40GB ⺴络数据流量的 YES 4G SIM 卡,以及开放免费学习资源给国⽴中⼩学⽣之后,所新增的公益项⺫。 杨忠礼基⾦会与杨忠礼通讯(YTL Communications)携⼿合作,免费赠送⼿机给没有智能⼿机或智能设备的 B40 低收⼊家庭,条件是这些家庭中必须有⼩孩在国⽴中⼩学上学每部智能⼿机将配备⼀张预付YES 4G SIM 卡,以及为期 12 个⽉的 120GB ⺴络数据流量配套。 为了确保免费⼿机能送达需要的家庭,杨忠礼基⾦会呼吁国⽴中⼩学教师提交推荐名单,因为教师是评估学⽣家境的最佳⼈选。教师是协助学⽣的前线⼈员,他们经常奉献⾃⼰的时间和资源来帮助学⽣。如果要结合学⽣居家学习及在校学习的体验,那么教师也是⽗⺟的好帮⼿。 ⾃从在两周前推出此项⺫以后,杨忠礼通讯公司的⼯作⼈员便⽇以继夜地⼯作,以尽快处理免费 YES4G SIM...

Yayasan YTL Memohon Bantuan Guru Bagi Memberikan Telefon Pintar Percuma

Yayasan YTL Memohon Bantuan Guru Bagi Memberikan Telefon Pintar Percuma

Pelengkap kepada pakej data, kandungan pembelajaran dan peranti untuk keluarga B40 Kuala Lumpur, 7 April 2020: Yayasan YTL hari ini mengumumkan bahawa ia kini akan memberikan telefon pintar secara percuma...

YTL Foundation Seeks Help from Teachers to Give Away Free Mobile Phones

YTL Foundation Seeks Help from Teachers to Give Away Free Mobile Phones

Completing the package of data, learning content and devices to B40 families Kuala Lumpur 7 April 2020: YTL Foundation announced today that it is giving away free mobile phones under...

Teach For Malaysia 加⼊杨忠礼基⾦会居家学习计划

Teach For Malaysia 加⼊杨忠礼基⾦会居家学习计划

FrogAsia 和 Teach For Malaysia 志愿者为⻢来⻄亚学⽣精⼼设计线上学习内容 (吉隆坡 3 ⽉ 31 ⽇讯)Teach For Malaysia 成为杨忠礼基⾦会(YTL Foundation)最新合作伙伴,共同在新冠肺炎(Covid-19)防疫期间,确保⻢来⻄亚的学⽣在学校暂时关闭时,也能继续居家学习。⾃ 2012 年开始,Teach For Malaysia 的志愿者便在全⻢各地缺乏资源的国⺠学校⽀教。 杨忠礼基⾦会、杨忠礼通讯(YTL Communications)和 FrogAsia 于 2020 年 3 ⽉ 25 ⽇携⼿推出居家学习计划(Learn...

Teach For Malaysia Sertai Inisiatif Belajar dari Rumah Yayasan YTL

Teach For Malaysia Sertai Inisiatif Belajar dari Rumah Yayasan YTL

FrogAsia dan Felow Teach For Malaysia Membangunkan Kandungan Dalam Talian untuk Pelajar Malaysia KUALA LUMPUR, 31 Mac 2020 - Teach For Malaysia, yang mana para felownya berpengalaman mengajar di sekolah...

Teach For Malaysia Joins YTL Foundation’s Learn from Home Initiative

Teach For Malaysia Joins YTL Foundation’s Learn from Home Initiative

FrogAsia and Teach For Malaysia Fellows Develop Online Content for Malaysian Students KUALA LUMPUR, 31 March 2020 - Teach For Malaysia, whose Fellows have been teaching in highneed Government schools...

YTL, TFM bantu keluarga akses pembelajaran atas talian

YTL, TFM bantu keluarga akses pembelajaran atas talian

Pelajar perlu menggunakan masa terluang di rumah bagi menguasai teknologi pembelajaran atas talian. Menurut Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Teach for Malaysia (TFM), Dzameer Dzukifli, untuk tujuan ini, pihaknya bersama YTL foundation...

Belajar menerusi sistem dalam talian

Belajar menerusi sistem dalam talian

Yusmizal Dolah Aling TEACH For Malaysia menjadi rakan kongsi terbaru Yayasan YTL dalam usaha memastikan semua pelajar di Malaysia dapat belajar dari rumah di sepanjang tempoh penutupan sekolah akibat Covid-19....

Teach For Malaysia to help create lessons for YTL Foundation’s Learn From Home Initiative

Teach For Malaysia to help create lessons for YTL Foundation’s Learn From Home Initiative

KUALA LUMPUR (March 31): Volunteers from Teach For Malaysia will be helping to create innovative and engaging online lessons for YTL Foundation’s Learn From Home Initiative, which is aimed at...

A space to call our own

A space to call our own

By Intan Maizura Ahmad Kamal SQUINTING hard, I allow my eyes to travel lazily skyward. The towers, looming high against the azure blue canvas, seem to encircle me in their...

Plugging the digital divide in distance learning

Plugging the digital divide in distance learning

By RACHEL GONG MALAYSIANS adjusting to staying at home under the movement control order (MCO) would have quickly realised just how much we rely on having stable, readily available Internet...



杨忠礼基金会、杨忠礼通讯和 FrogAsia 携手合作提供免费线上学习资源及网络数据流量 (吉隆坡3月25日讯)随着全国各地的学校在这几周暂时关闭,教育工作者、家长和学生正在想方设法,确保在这个非常时期,在家防疫也能继续保持教学和学习进度,避免因为疫情而受影响。资源丰富的大学和私立学校已开始通过网络上课,如果情况没有迅速改善,考试也很可能会通过网络进行。除了大专院校及私立学校以外,马来西亚有数百万名国小生和国中生的家长在学校关闭期间,不晓得孩子的学习该怎么办。为了找出家长和学生需要什么样的协助,杨忠礼基金会展开一项调查,了解学生家长在这期间最关心的事情。 调查发现,95%的父母很想知道如何不影响家里小孩的学习进度。90% 的父母家里至少有一部移动设备,方便他们的孩子通过线上学习,不过有大约 50%的父母表示,他们需要额外的网络流量来确保线上学习畅行无阻。对于来自 B40 低收入群体的父母而言,购买额外网络流量是一个沉重的负担,因为当前的家庭收入也受到影响。 自 2011 年以来,杨忠礼集团一直提倡在教育领域采用科技。杨忠礼集团坚信,线上学习可以为学生提供丰富且有趣的体验。有了这款工具,父母和老师在这期间便可以继续在家教育小孩。杨忠礼集团重视父母的担忧,因此决定免费开放线上资源,并且提供免费移动网络数据给国小和国中的学生。这是为了确保马来西亚的小孩在这期间能继续在家学习,避免影响学习进度,也不会给父母带来额外的经济负担。为了实现这个目标,杨忠礼基金会与 YES 和 FrogAsia 携手合作,推出居家学习计划(LearnFrom Home Initiative)。 即日起,所有学生可以使用FrogPlay Mobile,这是一款游戏化移动应用程式 ,为国小一年级至国中五年级的每一门核心课程提供复习测验,内容由备受信赖的教育出版商彩虹(Pelangi)精心设计。 欲通过线上学习,国小和国中的学生家长可以免费获得不超过 5 张预付 SIM 卡,每位小孩一人一张上网 SIM 卡。每张 SIM 卡含有...

Membolehkan Pembelajaran Dari Rumah Untuk Semua Pelajar Sekolah Kerajaan

Membolehkan Pembelajaran Dari Rumah Untuk Semua Pelajar Sekolah Kerajaan

Menawarkan Sumber Pembelajaran Dalam Talian serta Data Mudah Alih Percuma menerusi Kerjasama di antara Yayasan YTL, YTL Communications dan FrogAsia KUALA LUMPUR, 25 Mac 2020 – Ekoran penutupan institusi pendidikan...

YTL offers free data and e-learning from home for government school students

YTL offers free data and e-learning from home for government school students

By Sharen Kaur KUALA LUMPUR: YTL Group is providing free data and online resources to all students in government schools, so they are not deprived of education during the movement...

YTL Foundation offers government school students free online learning resources and mobile data for learning from home

YTL Foundation offers government school students free online learning resources and mobile data for learning from home

WITH educational institutions across the country closed for the coming weeks, educators, parents and students alike are looking for solutions to enable teaching and learning to continue at home during...

Enabling Learning From Home for All Government School Students

Enabling Learning From Home for All Government School Students

KUALA LUMPUR, 25 March 2020 Free Online Learning Resources and Mobile Data made available by a Collaboration between YTL Foundation, YTL Communications and FrogAsia With educational institutions across the country...



(布城24日讯)随着大马5家公司今日捐献500万令吉予政府所设立的冠病基金,有关基金迄今包括政府拨款在内的总捐款额,已达812万5000令吉。 首相丹斯里慕尤丁今日从这些企业家手中接领了相关捐款。 捐款的公司分别是以丹斯里陈华春为代表的SPANCO公司,捐献200万令吉,其次是多元资源工业集团(DRB-HICOM)、MMC有限公司和杨忠礼机构有限公司各捐献100万令吉。 多元资源工业集团的代表是拿督斯里赛法依沙代表、MMC公司的代表是拿督斯里仄卡立,而杨忠礼机构则由丹斯里杨肃斌代表。 帝亿置地(Titijaya Land Bhd)也通过丹斯里林顺平捐赠了52万个口罩,供前线人员使用。 首相是在本月11日推介冠病基金,协助帮助受疫情影响的人民。 Source:

Galak syarikat pemaju jadikan PA, PPR projek angkat

Galak syarikat pemaju jadikan PA, PPR projek angkat

Khalid merasmikan Program ‘Kempen Kita’ yang dijayakan Sentul Raya Sdn Bhd dan YTL Foundation dengan kerjasama DBKL di Perumahan Awam Seri Perak, dekat Sentul, hari ini. - Ihsan Twitter Khalid...

Great teachers are game-changers

Great teachers are game-changers

By incorporating arts performances in lessons, students can express their creativity and find their voice. January 1, 2020 EDUCATORS are the nation’s game-changers ― playing the critical role in building,...

Scholarships awarded to students

Scholarships awarded to students

(Front row, from left) One for the album as Deepa, Goh, Pei Teeng, Lim, Mushtak, Victor, Yew and Wong pose together with the recipients of the Tan Sri Yeoh Tiong...

Conference uplifts teaching profession

Conference uplifts teaching profession

(from left) Global Teacher Prize finalist 2019 and India Early Childhood Association vice president Swaroop Rawal, Varkey Foundation policy and advocacy manager Nicholas Piachaud and educationist, consultant and trainer, Puan...

YTL awards teachers and schools for adopting technology in education

YTL awards teachers and schools for adopting technology in education

By Murniati Abu Karim - December 4, 2019 Outstanding teachers and schools nationwide were honored for their efforts in adopting technology and raising the bar in 21st century education at...

Splash of culture and diversity

Splash of culture and diversity

Raja Azureen (centre) hitting the gong to launch Lottie’s Culture Splash at Lot 10 while Chew (left) and YTL Foundation Board of Trustees member Datuk Yeoh Soo Min look on....

Lottie’s Cultural Splash 2019

Lottie’s Cultural Splash 2019

YTL Foundation and Pusat Kreatif Kanak-Kanak Tuanku Bainun hosted Malaysians and visitors in embracing Malaysia’s rich and diverse culture Lottie’s Cultural Splash – a fun and exciting celebration and showcase...

Kerenah ibu bapa cabaran getir guru mendisiplinkan anak bangsa

Kerenah ibu bapa cabaran getir guru mendisiplinkan anak bangsa

Dari kiri; Pengurus Dasar & Advokasi Yayasan Varkey, Nicholas Piachaud, Naib Presiden Persatuan Pendidikan Awal India, Swaroop Rawal, Pengarah Program YTL Foundation, Datin Kathleen Chew, Pengarah Eksekutif Frogasia, Lou Yeoh,...

Leaps of Knowledge Conference 2019: Reignite Your Purpose!

Leaps of Knowledge Conference 2019: Reignite Your Purpose!

Featuring a Series of Inspirational Keynotes and Seminars by International Experts focusing on the HEART of Education 23 November 2019 - Leaps of Knowledge invites everyone to be a game...

Seni budaya pemangkin keharmonian kaum

Seni budaya pemangkin keharmonian kaum

KUALA LUMPUR 22 NOVEMBER 2019. Yang Mulia Raja Datuk Azureen Sultan Azlan Shah (tengah) merasmikan Splash Budaya Lottie di Lot 10, Turut hadir Pengarah Program Yayasan YTL, Datin Kathleen Chew...

YTL Foundation Awards Night 2019

YTL Foundation Awards Night 2019

Recognising teachers for their outstanding efforts in raising the bar in 21st Century Education Every year, YTL Foundation together with FrogAsia recognises the achievements of schools and teachers by celebrating...

Special Needs Kids Benefit From Frog Classroom In Taiping School

Special Needs Kids Benefit From Frog Classroom In Taiping School

Chew (fourth from left) and Tan (third from left) with teachers, parents and pupils outside the Frog Classroom at SJKC Sin Min in Simpang, Taiping.(Left) The interior of the Frog...

Education Boost For Special Needs Children

Education Boost For Special Needs Children

[siteorigin_widget class="SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget] TWENTYTWO13, 8th August 2019 SJK(C) Sin Min which started operating a specialised class for students with special needs in 2012 has received a big boost from YTL Foundation....

Malaysia’s first fellowship of social innovators

Malaysia’s first fellowship of social innovators

Focus Malaysia 05 Jul 2019 Acumen Academy Malaysia has launched the Acumen Fellows Programme - an intensive leadership development programme for individuals building solutions to tackle our country’s biggest social needs....

Moral Imagination - The Audacity To Imagine The World As It Could Be

Moral Imagination - The Audacity To Imagine The World As It Could Be

Together with Acumen, we held our annual thought leadership event in July 2019. A keynote speech was given by Jo-Ann Tan, the Director of +Acumen, the world's online school for...

Communities Unite for Purewater (CUP)

Communities Unite for Purewater (CUP)

In 2019, YTL Power International Berhad, having signed a Collaboration Agreement with Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM) and the Global Peace Foundation (GPF) the year before, successfully provided RM184,600 of funding...

School uses QR code to monitor pupils

School uses QR code to monitor pupils

By Lo Tern Chern - 26 May 2019 NIBONG TEBAL: Nothing seems to escape the QR code these days, including schools. At SJK (T) Ladang Jawi, a QR code system that...

青蛙虚拟学习课室启用 北海锺灵中学 不再“老爷”

青蛙虚拟学习课室启用 北海锺灵中学 不再“老爷”

21 May 2019 北海锺灵中学不再“老爷”(福建话)!随着青蛙虚拟学习课室正式启用,师生们踏上新科技学习,教学不再局限课本及由老师指导,学校一片清新科技风。 刘霖和:每年出现学习文化冲击 校长刘霖和透露,校方在每一年新生录取时,与入学的学生家长讨论回馈时发现,学校让他们感觉有些“老爷”,出现了学习文化的冲击。 “这些小学生及学生家长,在小学时已开始接触青蛙虚拟教学课室,当学生们升上中学时,面对白墙及四方的教学方式及环境,有感到不太能接受。” “所以,校方在董事部及热心商家人士协助下,庆幸在短短2个星期内完成基本装修及配备,让青蛙虚拟学习课室得以落实。” 刘校长表示,有了青蛙虚拟学习课室,北海锺灵将推动更广泛的数理教育及21世纪学习,让学生们在更具活力环境下掌握数理科学习。 该校的青蛙虚拟课室获得董事会、洪凯威及黄文坡医生等赞助8万令吉,杨忠礼基金则赞助课室的桌椅、冷气及电脑设备1万5000令吉,教室可容纳约40名师生上课。 出席嘉宾包括洪凯威代表陈骏锋、黄文坡医生太太方宝心、教育局北海区教师活动中心资讯技术组官员诺哈菲莎、FROGASIA SDN BHD区域会计经理乌沙拉妮、董事会代表准拿督曾文忠、准拿督张凯名等,在校长刘霖和及副校长侯黛群的陪同下,共同为青蛙虚拟学习课室主持启用仪式。 刘霖和校长也在较后时,赠送纪念奖状予赞助单位。 Source:青蛙虚拟学习课室启用-北海锺灵中学-不再老爷/ [siteorigin_widget class="SiteOrigin_Widget_PostCarousel_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget]

Frog Classroom At UKM

Frog Classroom At UKM

(From left) The ribbon cutting ceremony by Prof Radha, Prof Mohd Marzuki, Chew and deputy vice-chancellor (Industry and Community Partnerships) Prof Datuk Dr Imran Ho Abdullah. 12th May 2019 UNIVERSITI...

【培育青蛙虛擬教室開幕】鄺桂麗:舒适環境求學 培育獲贊助增課室配備

【培育青蛙虛擬教室開幕】鄺桂麗:舒适環境求學 培育獲贊助增課室配備

03 May 2019 (北海3日訊)甲拋峇底培育學校校長鄺桂麗說,該校通過董事部、家教協會與YTL亞洲青蛙有限公司的聯合贊助,讓校內的課室增設配備,學生也在舒适環境下求學。 系統查學生課業 她昨早出席該校舉行青蛙虛擬教室開幕禮上時指出,傳統教學結合了現代的網路教學,老師可以通過這個配備在系統上檢查學生的課業,家長也能在該系統上,了解孩子的學習程度。 YTL亞洲青蛙有限公司(北馬區)會計經理烏莎拉妮說,青蛙教室亦可讓學生從游戲中活學活用,并且回答課程內的課業,而這些概念在2012年便已開始,适用于小學一年級至中學高中三。 她說,學生若在外學習需負擔費用,但在學校則是一個免費平台,讓所有學生都有機會接触和學習。 另外,該公司贊助了14張桌子、41張椅子及2架冷氣機給該校的青蛙虛擬教室。 出席者包括威北縣教育局代表官員祖庫念及該校家協主席胡均為。 光明日報 Source:【培育青蛙虛擬教室開幕】鄺桂麗:舒适環境求學-培育獲贊助增課室配備 [siteorigin_widget class="SiteOrigin_Widget_PostCarousel_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget]

Pelancaran Frog Classroom SMK Taman Hitech

Pelancaran Frog Classroom SMK Taman Hitech

30 April 2019 KULIM - Majlis pelancaran Frog Classroom telah diadakan pada 7 April lalu. Pengetuanya, Md Saad Man, berkata, Frog Classroom dilaksanakan bagi mentranformasi bilik darjah kepada sebuah kelas...

Leap-frogging into 21st century learning

Leap-frogging into 21st century learning

By Zulita Mustafa - April 10, 2019 UNIVERSITI Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) is the first university in the country to have a ‘Frog Classroom’ in its Centre for Literacy and Sociocultural...

Why is School Leadership so important?

Why is School Leadership so important?

By Laurence Lien  “Why would you start a programme to train principals?  Isn’t that the government’s job?” This is a common response from private donors or even nonprofits focused on education...

YTL Foundation to expand Frog classroom to 1,000 schools

YTL Foundation to expand Frog classroom to 1,000 schools

By Seri Nor Nadiah Koris And Saadiah Ismail, April 7, 2018 KUALA LUMPUR: YTL Foundation aims to expand its Frog Classroom Programme to 1,000 schools nationwide. “So far, due to...

Leaping into lead position

Leaping into lead position

By M. Sivanantha Sharma - 4 Apr 2019  SK STOWELL in Bukit Mertajam, Penang, has gone a step further with the full adoption of digital teaching and learning for pupils from...

Enabling social entrepreneurship

Enabling social entrepreneurship

By Joy Lee, March 25, 2019 THE notion of social impact is growing among entrepreneurs. More and more startups are taking the form of a social enterprise, where their businesses...

SK Seri Nilam gets Frog classroom

SK Seri Nilam gets Frog classroom

[siteorigin_widget class="SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget] March 17, 2019 WITH support from YTL Foundation, SK Seri Nilam in Sentul is the latest school to launch its Frog Classroom. SK Seri Nilam’s Frog Classroom is...

Changing The Outlook of Learning

Changing The Outlook of Learning

By ROUBEENI MOHAN - December 21st, 2018 Technology is everywhere and it is entwined in our daily lives. It impacts the way we live, play and also learn. The learning environment...

YTL Foundation Awards Night 2018

YTL Foundation Awards Night 2018

YTL Foundation held the inaugural YTL Foundation Awards at JW Marriott Kuala Lumpur in collaboration with FrogAsia to celebrate and honour exemplary teachers from all over the country who have...

Leaps of Knowledge Conference 2018: Power Up!

Leaps of Knowledge Conference 2018: Power Up!

The 2018 Leaps of Knowledge conference themed ‘Power Up’ is a sequel to last year’s conference themed ‘Level Up.’ More than 1,000 educators and parents in total from all over...

YTL Staff Children Holiday Programme 2018

YTL Staff Children Holiday Programme 2018

The third holiday programme for the children of YTL employees was organised on 20 August 2018. It was well attended by over 40 children aged 5-12 years for another day...

Pengembaraan Sains Dengan YTL Foundation Dan Petrosains Di Lot 10

Pengembaraan Sains Dengan YTL Foundation Dan Petrosains Di Lot 10

November 23, 2018 YTL Foundation dengan kerjasama Petrosains menganjurkan Lottie's Adventure Adventure, acara bertemakan STEAM di Pusat Beli-Belah Lot 10 dari 23-25 ​​November 2018 yang lalu. Pengembaraan Sains Lottie adalah...

Hop on an adventure of science and discovery with YTL Foundation together with Petrosains at Lot 10

Hop on an adventure of science and discovery with YTL Foundation together with Petrosains at Lot 10

By StrawberrY Gal -  November 23, 2018 YTL Foundation in partnership with Petrosains organised Lottie’s Science Adventure, a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) – themed event at Lot 10...

Hi-tech classroom of the future opens in PJ

Hi-tech classroom of the future opens in PJ

02 Nov 2018 PETALING JAYA: The futuristic classroom of the 21st century opened its doors today at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan La Salle in Petaling Jaya. Launched by International Trade and...

Local Scholar Gathering 2018

Local Scholar Gathering 2018

YTL Foundation scholars and alumni came together to witness the 2018 cohort induction ceremony at Stripes hotel. Tan Sri Datuk (Dr) Aris Bin Othman, a member of YTL Foundation Board...

Local Scholar Training 2018

Local Scholar Training 2018

A team building training session was held for the local scholars in May 2018. The part indoor and outdoor training focused on team dynamics. Scholars were given various tasks to...

Lottie's Science Adventure 2018

Lottie's Science Adventure 2018

We partnered with PETROSAINS to organise a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) theme fair at Lot 10, Kuala Lumpur. The launch was officiated by Tan Sri Datuk Seri...

Federal Furniture sponsors Frog Classroom in SMK La Salle PJ

Federal Furniture sponsors Frog Classroom in SMK La Salle PJ

Federal International Holdings Berhad Worked with YTL Foundation to build a Frog Classroom in SMK La Salle PJ. The event was officiated by YB Dr. Ong Kian Ming, Deputy Minister...

Ministry of Education Initiates Frog Classroom in Tamil Schools

Ministry of Education Initiates Frog Classroom in Tamil Schools

YTL Foundation partnered with the Education Ministry of Malaysia to transform classrooms in 47 Tamil schools. The Ministry of Education had allocated RM15,000 for each school and YTL Foundation provided...

SunPower Malaysia Pledges to Transform Classrooms

SunPower Malaysia Pledges to Transform Classrooms

Sun Power Malaysia pledged to transform six classrooms in Melaka. To date, they have completed  two schools - SMK Tun Haji Abdul Malek and SMK Iskandar Shah. 

Director General of Education Conducts Lesson in Frog Classroom

Director General of Education Conducts Lesson in Frog Classroom

Datuk Seri Dr Khair Mohamad Yusof, Education Director General, Ministry of Education Malaysia, launched the Frog Classroom in SK Pelabuhan Kelang. He also delivered a 40-minute lesson on the importance...

YTL and Financial Institutions Transform a Classroom in SK Jalan Selangor

YTL and Financial Institutions Transform a Classroom in SK Jalan Selangor

YTL’s Finance Department and Legal Department collaborated with a few banks to give the students of SK Jalan Selangor a Frog Classroom. The teachers and students of the all-girls’ school...

ERL & E-MAS Build Second Frog Classroom for Special Needs Students in SMK Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi

ERL & E-MAS Build Second Frog Classroom for Special Needs Students in SMK Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi

“No one should be left out”, the exact intonation by the Deputy Education Minister Chong Sin Woon. The Frog Classroom transformation at SMK Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi is even more...

Express Rail Link Sdn Bhd and E-MAS Transform a Classroom in SK Kota Warisan

Express Rail Link Sdn Bhd and E-MAS Transform a Classroom in SK Kota Warisan

The Frog Classroom Makeover Project received a thunderous support from Express Rail Link Sdn Bhd (ERL) together with its subsidiary; the ERL Maintenance Support Sdn Bhd (E-MAS). They collaborated with...

Kids Holiday Programme 2018

Kids Holiday Programme 2018

The third holiday programme for the children of YTL employees was organised on 20 August 2018. It was well attended by over 40 children aged 5-12 years for another day...

YTL Foundation Launches the Classroom of the Future in SMK Puchong Batu 14

YTL Foundation Launches the Classroom of the Future in SMK Puchong Batu 14

YTL Foundation in collaboration with Syarikat Pembenaan Yeoh Tiong Lay (SPYTL) launched the new Frog Classroom. The Frog Classroom is specially designed to enable 21st Century learning and teaching in...

UK Scholar Training 2017

UK Scholar Training 2017

This was our second UK scholar training session, where scholars enjoyed a weekend at the Grafham Water Centre in Huntingdon. Scholars were required to attend the training session which focused...

UK Scholar Training 2016

UK Scholar Training 2016

In September 2016, the YTL Foundation organised a three-day leadership retreat for our UK-based scholars at Gainsborough Bath and Spa, Bath. The training was focused on character building and to...

Scholar Hackathon 2016

Scholar Hackathon 2016

In July 2016, YTL Foundation organised a Scholar Hackathon where scholars were able to utilise their creativity, work in groups and enhance their problem-solving skills. The scholars were given a...

SMKA Tun Said Levels Up with Frog Classroom

SMKA Tun Said Levels Up with Frog Classroom

By Joe Tiong -  April 30, 2018 YTL Foundation donates Frog Classroom to SMKA Tun Said, a model school for 21st Century teaching and learning in Sabah. KOTA BELUD, 25 April...

Social Impact Investing

Social Impact Investing

In April 2018, we held a dialogue session on social impact investing. As many Malaysians are still not familiar with the subject, we invited Dr James Gifford, CIO Head of...

50 Tamil schools picked for Frog classroom makeover

50 Tamil schools picked for Frog classroom makeover

By SANDHYA MENON, April 1, 2018 FIFTY Tamil vernacular schools in the country have been selected for the 21st century Frog Classroom makeover. The RM1.5mil project will see half of...

Prime Minister visits Frog Classroom!

Prime Minister visits Frog Classroom!

7 March 2018 - It was a day to remember, not only for us at FrogAsia, but also for one of our Frog Schools located in Hulu Klang, SJK(T) Batang...

75 school administrators to undergo 2-year leadership programme

75 school administrators to undergo 2-year leadership programme

[siteorigin_widget class="SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget] By Dawn Chan, January 17, 2018 @ 3:43pm PORT KLANG: Some 75 principals, headmasters and senior assistants from 24 primary and secondary schools in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor...

Launch of APC’s First Project in Malaysia: Catalysing School Leadership

Launch of APC’s First Project in Malaysia: Catalysing School Leadership

By Wei Kong Conceived as a principal leadership development initiative at venn2015, APC went on to catalyse what became Global School Leaders (GSL) Malaysia, which is championed by APC member,...

How Malaysian schools are tackling blended-learning challenges

How Malaysian schools are tackling blended-learning challenges

By Katrina Bushko - December 7, 2017 Malaysia has a very unique education system: over the past two decades, the government has invested millions of dollars in equipping all 10,000...

School Awards

School Awards

We believe in encouraging and challenging educators to be creative, resourceful and to explore the latest trends in the field of education.

The inaugural YTL Foundation School Awards announces five schools as its recipients

The inaugural YTL Foundation School Awards announces five schools as its recipients

[siteorigin_widget class="SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget] By Content Curator - November 22, 2017 YTL Foundation today announced the five schools that will be receiving a RM20,000 grant each in the inaugural edition of the...

Lottie's Talent Village 2017

Lottie's Talent Village 2017

YTL Foundation in collaboration with 54C YTL Learning Space organised a Christmas event in 2017 called Lottie’s Talent Village at Lot 10, Kuala Lumpur. The three-day event featured social enterprises...



YTL Foundation in partnership with PETROSAINS organised a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) theme fair at Lot 10, Kuala Lumpur.

Local Scholar Training 2017

Local Scholar Training 2017

The YTL Foundation Scholars from universities and colleges all over Malaysia came together for a training session at the Stripes Hotel in Kuala Lumpur in August 2017. The second part...

Sentul schools win classroom makeover for their creative projects

Sentul schools win classroom makeover for their creative projects

June 1, 2017 TWO schools in Sentul, Kuala Lumpur will soon be equipped with a Facilitate Rapid Online Global (Frog) classroom each worth RM100,000, courtesy of YTL Foundation. SMK Sentul...

Projek berasas ICT

Projek berasas ICT

By Siti Fatimah Nasir - 24 May 2017 Kuala Lumpur: Usaha menghasilkan kek cawan dan barangan kraftangan ternyata tidak sia-sia apabila dua sekolah, Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Batu Muda dan Sekolah...

Pain and Suffering – Whose Responsibility Is It?

Pain and Suffering – Whose Responsibility Is It?

On 17 April, 2017, together with Hospis Malaysia, we organised an event that focused on palliative care and its importance in improving the end-of-life care of the terminally ill.

Pendidikan masa depan

Pendidikan masa depan

By Nor Hanisah Kamaruzaman - 3 April 2017 Pelbagai inisiatif diambil bagi mengetengahkan kaedah dan suasana pembelajaran abad ke-21 selari dengan kepesatan dan kecanggihan teknologi. Hasil kerjasama YTL Group, Media Prima...

54C Fun Day

54C Fun Day

During the March and June school holidays 54C organised a programme of English activity days for the children of YTL staff. Both days were a great success with 25 children...

History made as SJK(T) Ladang Edinburgh is first Tamil school to get YTL’s Frog Classroom

History made as SJK(T) Ladang Edinburgh is first Tamil school to get YTL’s Frog Classroom

By Kyra Alegria - March 17, 2017 First Tamil school recipient under YTL Foundation’s Frog Classroom initiative Features specially designed chairs and curved tables that encourage peer-led learning and interaction....

Media Prima Helps Make Transforming Classrooms Easier for Schools

Media Prima Helps Make Transforming Classrooms Easier for Schools

YTL Foundation worked with Media Prima Berhad to produce a series of instructional videos to guide schools to transform their classrooms to Frog Classrooms. There are in total six episodes...

Hope Christmas Bazaar 2016

Hope Christmas Bazaar 2016

YTL Foundation organised the Christmas Hope Bazaar at Lot 10, Kuala Lumpur to raise funds for 54C YTL Learning Space. The bazaar featured handicrafts made by underprivileged children, game stalls,...

A Dialogue On Education, Jobs & Tech

A Dialogue On Education, Jobs & Tech

We collaborated with Singapore Management University (SMU) to present a dialogue session at the Majestic Hotel KL. The objective was to discuss the importance of preparing future generations for the...



We supported Chumbaka's Maker Education Programme that was organised at the TFM schools across Klang Valley in 2016. SMK Puchong, SMJK Yoke Kuan, SMK Tengku Idris Shah, SMK Jalan Reko,...

Community-collaborated classrooms

Community-collaborated classrooms

By Oc Yeoh - May 4, 2016 IT is a classroom that students would love to be in. The walls, painted in sections of blue, green and pink, are adorned...

D-G goes back to ‘teaching’

D-G goes back to ‘teaching’

By Allison Lai - 30 Sep 2015 PORT KLANG: Some 50 years after he left SK Pelabuhan Klang, Education director-general Datuk Seri Dr Khair Mohamad Yusof is back – teaching....

An Evening With St. Anne’s

An Evening With St. Anne’s

We hosted this event, with guest speakers from St. Anne’s College, Oxford University at The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur on 21 July, 2015. It was held to conclude the week...

PM launches new social service model, Social PPP

PM launches new social service model, Social PPP

[siteorigin_widget class="SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget] By A.AZIM IDRIS and FAZLEENA AZIZ, July 2, 2015 @ 7:01pm PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak today launched a new social service model for the government...

Frog Classroom Makeover Project

Frog Classroom Makeover Project

[siteorigin_widget class="SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget] Sepang, 16th June 2015 – Express Rail Link Sdn Bhd (ERL) together with its subsidiary, ERL Maintenance Support Sdn Bhd (E-MAS) collaborated with YTL Foundation on a Corporate...

Frog Classroom launched

Frog Classroom launched

[siteorigin_widget class="SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget] By LIM YEH ERNSUBANG - October 10, 2014 SMK Puchong Batu 14 recently opened its new Frog Classroom. The classroom was launched by YTL Foundation, FrogAsia Sdn Bhd...

YTL Foundation builds a Frog Classroom for Special Needs Students in SJK (C) Sin Min, Simpang, Perak

YTL Foundation builds a Frog Classroom for Special Needs Students in SJK (C) Sin Min, Simpang, Perak

YTL Foundation has turned one of the existing classrooms in SJK (C) Sin Min, Simpang, Perak into a Frog Classroom for its students with special needs. SJK (C) Sin Min...

The Frog Classroom Reaches Kota Belud, Sabah

The Frog Classroom Reaches Kota Belud, Sabah

SMKA Tun Said Sabah received a Frog Classroom. The school is one of the first few religious schools established in the state. The guest of Honour during the event was...

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